Our New Partnership with The Rainbow Initiative of Episcopal Migration Ministries

Our New Partnership with The Rainbow Initiative of Episcopal Migration Ministries

We are happy to announce that Oasis has embarked on a very exciting new collaboration with The Rainbow Initiative of the Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), which works closely with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), the federal agency that funds initiatives supporting refugees. 

The purpose of this partnership is to develop and distribute training materials on best practices when serving LGBTQ+ recent immigrant arrivals. 

A program of EMM, The Rainbow Initiative specifically focuses on supporting LGBTQ+ individuals who have fled their home countries in search of safety. With a network of 28 Rainbow Initiative Congregations and Communities (RICs) across the U.S. and Europe, EMM aims to create a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ newcomers and provide them with visibility and direct aid. 

Amid a global refugee crisis, it is crucial to recognize that a significant portion of those seeking safety and asylum also face the additional challenges of being LGBTQ+. Every community, including immigrant communities, encompasses LGBTQ+ individuals. The U.S. government, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and other organizations have long acknowledged the unique protection needs of LGBTQ+ refugees. In fact, June is both Pride month and Immigrant Heritage month. 

Despite this recognition, advocates for LGBTQ+ equality may sometimes neglect the immigration aspects of their work. Similarly, not everyone advocating for immigrant rights is aware of the specific hardship that LGBTQ+ immigrants face. LGBTQ+ immigrant advocacy necessitates a connection between queer visibility and support for refugees. 

Partnerships like the one between Oasis and The Rainbow Initiative are necessary to bring awareness to and lead advocacy for LGBTQ+ immigrants. As an initiative of this joint project, in August 2024 we will be focusing on elevating the experiences of refugees who are transgender and gender nonconforming. We look forward to continuing to work together in partnerships like this to create a world that is just and equitable for all.

Published June 10, 2024